In the world of dating, there has been a long-standing perception by many that men should hold the dominant position while women are expected to play the role of passive participants. However, one ‘manosphere’ dating coach is challenging this paradigm and advocating for a radical shift in the way men and women date.
Rather than encouraging men to exert dominance and take the lead, Everette Overton, also known as Coach EO, urges men to demand that women be the ones commuting to meet them out, rather than the other way around. In this clip, he advises men on what to say to a woman when making plans to meet up.
@coach_eo Say This When A Girl Asks come here #coach_eo #datingtips #datingcoachformen #datingadviceformen #men #datingadvice
“Never ever go see a woman where she’s at. I don’t care if you lose her.”
According to EO, a woman is supposed to be the one to always move to the man’s location. Men are never to go to her, so he claims. Is she pulling out his chair at dinner and picking up the check as well? We’re not sure, but it wouldn’t be surprising. This is actually the perfect example of a man being in his feminine energy. Traditionally speaking, the masculine pursues the feminine and takes initiative through the relationships. Even in today’s modern dating landscape, most men still have the common courtesy to pick a woman up at her place after he asks her out properly. However, EO here makes a case for men to hold an attitude that is very feminine, not to mention unappealing to most reasonable women.
That aside, we could question whether the greater issue lies in the existence of a man who provides such advice to begin with or the audience of men who follow it. Either way, his demand here is quite the tall order, as it expects men to act completely outside of basic manners. No person in their right mind is going to always be the one to commute to the other 100% of the time.
Are men in the manosphere desperate to be treated like ladies, or does advice like this stand to test our boundaries, to see how far we’d go for them? It may be a little bit of both. At any rate, once you let them cross those lines, they’ll know they can get away with murder.
If you’re looking for a partner who values your time and puts in effort to see you, then consider this: a worthy man will gladly take the initiative and go out of their way to pick you up no less than half the time. Stay vigilant, hold strong, and don’t settle for someone who doesn’t appreciate you enough to make the effort – hold out for someone who truly values your company and is willing to go the extra mile for you.
If you want individual help around how to attract and qualify men who will put in the effort, drop a comment below. And check out more of Coach EO’s content if you want to better capture your feminine energy.
Until next time,
Ash Pariseau
Most of these ‘Manosphere’ types claim to be empowering men, but they’re really a bunch of Omega-Incels who have lots of spare time to dream up these ideas (and usually sell their foolproof techniques for a price). With a feminine name like ‘Everette’, one can imagine how much Masculinity he actually projects.
I remember one of these Manosphere ‘dating coaches’ advising men never to pay for dates or dinners until after they’d had sex. Everette’s idea sounds just about as bad (and probably just as ineffective).
I can’t imagine applying advice like this actually works. I’d laugh if a guy ever even thought about treating me that way. Then I’d delete his number and forget his name afterwards.
Ooo – I think I know what this is about. This is the psychological trick to get the other person to put in more effort at first in order to trip the “sunk cost fallacy.” So if he gets her to go out of her way and go to him, the theory is that she’ll continue to make more effort and go out of her way for him, so he’ll have all the power in the relationship. Probably combined with the idea that he could establish a pattern of compliance so she’s more likely to do what he wants in the future.
So the goal of all this is – later on when he wants her to dress or act a certain way or gets coercive in the bedroom or doesn’t want her to see her friends, she’ll comply with what he wants because of this earlier psychological grooming.
It’s so gross.
Hi AthenaC, thanks for your comment. It’s good to see you back here. As for your comment, I can see that being the case here as well. It makes sense. It’s important to be aware of the subtle attempts at manipulation and reject them accordingly.