October 21, 2024

Why Strong Boundaries Are a MUST for Modern Women While Dating

Modern dating is a war zone. If you’re walking into this battlefield unarmed, you’re setting yourself up to be a casualty. Boundaries serve as your non-negotiable rules of engagement. In modern dating, they’re what keep you focused and sane. Ghosters who disappear without a goodbye. Players who treat dating like

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Self Improvement

How to Be Unbreakable as a Modern Woman

The best way to stay ordinary is to listen to ordinary people. They might think they’re helping you, but often their advice is just a way to keep you from rising above. They might say, “I just don’t want you to get hurt,” but what they really mean is, “I

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7 Ways He’s Deliberately Trying to Lower Your Expectations

Ever wondered why some relationships seem like a constant battle for the minimum? This often stems from a calculated effort to set the bar low. Recognizing when someone is trying to dial down your expectations is crucial, not just for avoiding the wrong partner, but for empowering yourself to command

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BS Alert

How True Allies Support Women’s Paths in Life

When we talk about supporting women’s career and life choices, there’s a thick line (yes, thick) between genuine backing and those patronizing pats on the back that some think pass as support. True advocacy isn’t found in polished public statements. It’s in the daily actions and genuine words that support

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Are Men Shifting Dating Roles to Protect Their Egos?

Recent discussions reveal a growing sentiment among men who advocate for stepping back from traditional roles in initiating romantic pursuits. They argue that making the first move has become “too risky,” citing potential negative reactions such as being perceived as creepy, facing harsh rejections, or simply encountering disinterest. In response,

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Should You Date Someone with Opposing Political Views?

In the middle of an election season that sometimes feels more like a battleground than a democratic process, many of us find ourselves wondering not just who to vote for, but also how our political beliefs intersect with our personal lives. With figures like Donald Trump provoking passionate responses on

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The Dame

Ash Pariseau. Writer, thinker. Relationship coach. I help women cut through the bs and become valued in relationships with quality men.



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