October 21, 2024

Should Men Still Pay for Dates, or Is It Time to Split the Bill?

In today’s swipe right, left-on-read dating culture, who foots the bill at the end of a date seems to be a hot topic that just won’t quit. Venture into any social media platform, and you’ll likely stumble upon a heated debate about dating etiquette. It’s a discussion that spans generations,

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Do NICE GIRLS Finish Last in Dating and Relationships?

We’ve all heard the adage, “nice guys finish last.” It’s a phrase that echoes through the hallways of social media dating advice, and it’s used to suggest that men who are too accommodating, too hesitant to assert boundaries, or too shy to say no, often find themselves sidelined in love.

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Inner Work

Love Me, Love Me Not – The Silent Battle of Relationship Anxiety

Ever felt like your heart’s playing ping-pong with your brain when it comes to relationships? Welcome to the club! Relationship anxiety is the uninvited guest at the party, whispering doubts and fears into the ears of otherwise happy couples. It’s more common than you think. Most of us have been

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BS Alert

How Passport Bros Are Falling Prey to Fatal Romance Scams

Passport bros claim they’re escaping a western dating scene filled with selfishness and manipulation, as they jet off overseas looking for something better and more traditional. But what’s actually happening is often a very different story.  I stumbled upon one such story in Evie magazine. Minnesota’s own comedian, Tou Ger

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Why Focusing on Height Might Be Selling Your Love Life Short

Fun fact — only about 14.5% of men in the U.S. are 6 feet or taller. And yet, so many women stroll into the dating scene with their 6-foot minimum height requirement tucked securely in their list of non-negotiables. They dream of that tall, dark, and handsome man who’ll sweep

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The Dame

Ash Pariseau. Writer, thinker. Relationship coach. I help women cut through the bs and become valued in relationships with quality men.



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